Items constructor
Here you can configure items that will drop when certain mobs break or when creatures are killed.
First, indicate the ID that will be used further. For example -> diamond.
All fields below are not required.
Item. Enter any Minecraft material in UPPER_CASE -> Material: 'DIAMOND'
Name. The title of the item that will be displayed.
Lore. The lore of the item that will be displayed.
Enchantments. Item enchantments. LOWERCASE. Check example below. You can find it here (ID -> Java Edition) and on this website for another enchantments
Attributes. Item attributes. Check example below.
Hide tags. Hide attributes, enchants and another tags below item lore.
Custom model data. Item custom model data to show custom texture.
Drops from mobs. From which mobs this item will be dropped. UPPER_CASE.
Drops from blocks. From which blocks this item will be dropped. UPPER_CASE.
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