Creatures constructor
You can configure creatures to spawn while using a relic, or when spawned by an egg.
First, indicate the ID that will be used further. For example -> GOBLIN_AXE
Now let's start setting up the fields. There are required fields and optional ones.
Required fields:
Type. You need to set entity type in UPPER_CASE. For example: ZOMBIE, SKELETON, EVOKER, CREEPER and etc.
Custom name. The name of the creature that will be displayed above its head.
Custom name visible. Hide the creature's name or make it visible. Boolean value.
Health. Creature health. Number with a dot.
Damage. Creature damage. Number with a dot.
Movement speed. Creature speed. Number with a dot.
Drop. Creature drop. You can add items by the command.
Not required fields.
Head. You can set the head url or minecraft material here.
Chestplate. You can set minecraft material here.
Leggings. You can set minecraft material here.
Boots. You can set minecraft material here.
Main hand. You can set minecraft material here.
Off hand. You can set minecraft material here.
Arrows in body. How many arrows will be in the creature's body. Integer value.
Can pickup items. Will the creature be able to pick up objects. Boolean value.
Invisible. Make a creature invisible. Boolean value.
Fire ticks. How many seconds will the creature burn? In ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second.
Glowing. Whether the creature will be highlighted. Boolean value.
Potions. You can specify one potion. You must specify it in potions.yml and enter the ID here. String value.
Passenger. You can specify the driver by specifying the ID of another creature from the same file. String value.
Invulnerable. Will the creature be invulnerable? Boolean value.
Target. You can specify who the creature will attack first. String value.
TARGET - The creature that was hit.
DAMAGER - The player who spawned it.
Baby. Make the creature small. Boolean value.
Breed. Make the creature in breeding mode. Boolean value.
Egg title. Title of the summon egg item. String value.
Egg lore. Lore of the summon egg item. String value.
Egg enchant. Enchant the summon egg item. Boolean value.
Egg custom model data. If you want to add texture to the egg. Integer value.
Egg material. Material of the summon egg item. UPPER_CASE.
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