Setting up
Before I describe what each GUI has, I want to show you how to configure it using one of the GUIs as an example.
Collection GUI size
Responsible for the number of rows in the GUI itself.
Collection GUI empty materials
Responsible for the placement of color panels or anything else. You can place any minecraft material.
Collection GUI slots for paintings
All the paintings will be located here. These are their possible slots.
Collection GUI previous page slot
You can specify the location in the inventory. Or hide the material by specifying slot -1
Collection GUI previous page material
Here you specify the material and CustomModelData. By default, it is 0, which means that there is no texture. The description of the item is configured in the message config. Go to the "Messages" folder.
Collection GUI page materials
Here you can specify the number of pages and the material with customModelData. You also need to specify the name of the pages in the message file. Go to the "Messages" folder.
List of GUIs
Main GUI
Main menu. From here you can go to:
Collection GUI
Drafts GUI
Moderation GUI
Manuals GUI
Downloads GUI
See your revenue + your place among all players
See your rating + your place among all players
Create new painting
Import a map
Collection GUI
All published and verified paintings of players are located here. Each player can have a certain number of common works. The painting has an author, title, collection, price, quantity for sale, editability. You can click on the painting to open Collection item GUI.
Collection item GUI
This is the menu for this painting. Depending on whether you are the author, the buttons differ. The viewer has the like, dislike, buy and view quantity buttons.
If you click on the painting itself, you can view it.
If you click on the buy button, the download button will appear and the painting will go to the download GUI.
Downloads GUI
After purchase, the painting goes here. Even if the author later deletes the painting or changes it, it will remain in this previous state and the player will be able to get it.
Drafts GUI
All the player's drafts are stored here. He can click on any to open the draft. And also delete all drafts by clicking on the delete button.
Edit draft GUI
In this menu you can see what the drawing looks like by clicking on it. You can delete it, edit it, or start completely from scratch. And if all is well, click on the publish button.
Publish draft GUI
In this menu you need to specify 5 parameters, 3 of which are mandatory:
Price [Required] - This is the price the painting will be sold for.
Stock [Required] - How much will be available. It may not be for sale and as much as you like.
Name [Required] - Title of the painting.
Collection [Optional] - The collection it is part of. For example, you create a series of similar paintings.
Editable [Optional] - Will it be possible to edit the picture in the future? If not, the picture is final.
And having added everything, click on the publish button.
Manuals GUI
Here are stored quick guides for players on how and what works. You can add your books for review, or remove this GUI altogether by specifying slot -1
in the config.
Moderation GUI
Moderation window where the admin or another person can check the picture to make sure there is nothing indecent. The player can view the picture, accept it or reject it.
Drawing main GUI
This is a menu that the player can only enter while drawing. Here you can switch tools, undo the action, choose the cursor or background color, save or stop editing the painting.
Drawing sizes GUI
Here you can choose the cursor size. From 1 to 16 pixels.
Drawing colors GUI
Here you can choose the color for the cursor or background. There are 10 pages of all possible shades. You can use commands to get all this colors, find it here.
Last updated