Text colors
You can use 3 methods to color the values ββin the messages config.
Default minecraft color tags: &l&2Example Text
HEX tags: #A020F0Example Text
HEX gradient: &l#(A020F0)Example Text#(FF00FF)
Cursor and background colors
To color the cursor and canvas background, you can only use HEX colors.
Minecraft handles 200 different colors. You can find the full list by typing the following command while you are painting:
Also this list is presented when you enter the command. Also you can use other HEX colors, but they will be converted to the closest shade that is in minecraft.
You can also name a color to make it easier to find and use. I will name #FFFFFF as white and #0080FF as azure.
Now I can use these colors to set the cursor color, background color, and the starting color of the cursor or background.
You can use invisible color for both background and cursor. This can be used to further place the painting in an invisible frame.
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