You can use the DiscordSRV or DiscordSynthesis plugin to:
Send messages to Discord when a player starts drawing. Shows the player's name and how many empty seats are left and occupied.
Sends a message to discord when a player stops drawing.
With the command you can send an image in .png format to the discord channel. To do this, you need to have either a painting(map in your hands) or its UUID. Well, and access rights, of course. You can find it here: Commands and Permissions
Setting up DiscordSRV
To connect the DrawOnMap plugin to DiscordSRV you need to configure DiscordSRV itself.
Open your server folder -> plugins -> DiscordSRV -> config.yml
Add your bot token here ->
BotToken: 'Enter_your_bot_token_here'
Copy your discord channel id and add it to
to get something like this:Channels: {"global": "000000000000000000",
"drawonmap": "your_discord_channel_id"
Then you need to configurate the DrawOnMap plugin.
Open your server folder -> plugins -> DrawOnMap -> config.yml
Set true to this option ->
Use DiscordSRV: true
Enter in the console or in the game:
/reload confirm
The two plugins are configured and you can now test their operation! To configure DiscordSRV, write to support the author of this plugin!
Setting up DiscordSynthesis
To connect the DrawOnMap plugin to DiscordSynthesis you need to configure DiscordSynthesis itself.
Open your server folder -> plugins -> DiscordSynthesis -> config.yml
Add your bot token here ->
BOT-TOKEN: 'Enter_your_bot_token_here'
Put ID of your discord channel to BROADCAST or another channel type.
BROADCAST: '703184338048516099'
Then you need to configurate the DrawOnMap plugin.
Open your server folder -> plugins -> DrawOnMap -> config.yml
Set true to this option ->
Use DiscordSynthesis: true
Enter in the console or in the game:
/reload confirm
The two plugins are configured and you can now test their operation! To configure DiscordSynthesis, write to support the author of this plugin!
Last updated