The lottery is held in specified intervals. These intervals can be set in the config.
For example, it starts at 8 am, ends at 1 pm, and starts again at 7 pm and lasts until 11 pm.
At this time, each player can buy a ticket. If many players buy tickets, then this bank will be played between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Although it is possible to make one winner.
View mode commands
/lottery help
Buy a ticket to participate in the lottery
/lottery buy
View the current bank and find out how much time is left until the end
/lottery info
You must use a permission manager like LuckPerms which supports .* permissions notation. Bukkit doesn't support this notation by default!
For what
Gives all mode access to the player
Gives the player permission to play this mode
Main config (config.yml)
Lottery enable: true #If "false", this mode will not be available
Lottery ticket price: 1500.0 #Ticket price for which you can participate in the lottery
Lottery can player buy more than 1 ticket: false #Is it possible to buy more than 1 ticket to increase your chances of winning?
Lottery min amount of players: 4 #How many minimum players must participate in the lottery? Otherwise the money will be returned
Lottery notifications interval (in minutes): 10 #After how many minutes will messages appear indicating that a lottery is currently underway
Lottery prizes: #Distribution of total bank odds. More places can be set
1: 60.0
2: 25.0
3: 15.0
Lottery use time start: true #If "true", then the lottery will be tied to server time. The first number is the start time, the second is the end
Lottery event intervals: #hours-minutes
- ['08-00', '09-58']
- ['10-00', '11-58']
- ['12-00', '13-58']
- ['14-00', '15-58']
- ['16-00', '17-58']
- ['18-00', '19-58']
- ['20-00', '21-58']
Lottery time for event (in minutes): 118 #If "Lottery use time start" is false, that's how many minutes the lottery will last
Lottery cooldown (in minutes): 2 #Pause between lotteries