You can use the commands below to give yourself a specific color.
View mode commands
/glowing help
Opens a menu where you can choose your highlight
Allow you to highlight yourself with any color
/glowing <color>
Allow you to highlight any player with any color
/glowing <color> <player>
Takes the highlight off of you
/glowing clear
Takes the highlight off of any player
/glowing clear <player>
You must use a permission manager like LuckPerms which supports .* permissions notation. Bukkit doesn't support this notation by default!
For what
Gives all mode access to the player
Gives the player permission to open glowing menu
Gives the player permission to highlight you with any color
Gives the player permission to highlight any player with any color
Main config (config.yml)
Glowing enable: true #If "false", this mode will not be available
Glowing gui rows: 5 #How many rows are there in the GUI of this mode?
Glowing set glowing on login: true #If "true", the player will be highlighted when he enters the server if he left with the highlight
Glowing rainbow slot: 32 #On what slot will the button for turning on the rainbow highlight be located?
Glowing rainbow material: ['BLAZE_POWDER', 0] #Material (if can be minecraft head with texture), Custom model data
Glowing rainbow colors: ['WHITE', 'YELLOW', 'LIGHT_PURPLE', 'AQUA', 'GREEN', 'BLUE', 'RED', 'GOLD'] #Colors that are used in rainbow highlighting. They go in order
Glowing rainbow permission: 'fungames.glowing.rainbow' #The permission to use rainbow highlighting
Glowing rainbow speed in ticks: 4 #Speed of color changes in rainbow animation
Glowing selected material: ['SUNFLOWER', 0] #What will the icon change to when the player has chosen a color? #Material (if can be minecraft head with texture), Custom model data
# Slot: ['MATERIAL', Custom Model Data]
Glowing gui empty items: {} #Allows you to fill GUI with background items
# Slot: ['COLOR', 'MATERIAL', Custom Model Data, 'Permission']
Glowing gui colors: #All possible colors. Example: 2 - slot in GUI, WHITE - highlighting color, WHITE_DYE - Material or head texture, 0 - Custom model data, fungames.glowing.white - permission to use this color
2: ['WHITE', 'WHITE_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.white']
3: ['AQUA', 'LIGHT_BLUE_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.aqua']
4: ['YELLOW', 'YELLOW_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.yellow']
5: ['GREEN', 'LIME_DYE', 0, '']
11: ['LIGHT_PURPLE', 'MAGENTA_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.lightpurple']
12: [ 'RED', 'RED_DYE', 0, '' ]
13: [ 'BLUE', 'BLUE_DYE', 0, '' ]
14: [ 'GRAY', 'GRAY_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.gray' ]
20: [ 'DARK_AQUA', 'CYAN_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.darkaqua' ]
21: [ 'GOLD', 'ORANGE_DYE', 0, '' ]
22: [ 'DARK_GREEN', 'GREEN_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.darkgreen' ]
23: [ 'DARK_PURPLE', 'PURPLE_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.darkpurple' ]
29: [ 'DARK_RED', 'RED_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.darkred' ]
30: [ 'DARK_BLUE', 'BLUE_DYE', 0, 'fungames.glowing.darkblue' ]
31: [ 'BLACK', 'BLACK_DYE', 0, '' ]