Last updated
Last updated
Allows you to highlight the player with different colors, including multi-colored (rainbow).
Other plugins that are related to commands may affect the plugin's functionality, including making this function unusable.
To work with TAB plugin you need to use placeholder %fungames_glowing%https://github.com/NEZNAMY/TAB/wiki/How-to-make-TAB-compatible-with-glow-plugins
You can use the commands below to give yourself a specific color.
View mode commands
/glowing help
Opens a menu where you can choose your highlight
Allow you to highlight yourself with any color
/glowing <color>
Allow you to highlight any player with any color
/glowing <color> <player>
Takes the highlight off of you
/glowing clear
Takes the highlight off of any player
/glowing clear <player>
You must use a permission manager like LuckPerms which supports .*
permissions notation. Bukkit doesn't support this notation by default!
Gives all mode access to the player
Gives the player permission to open glowing menu
Gives the player permission to highlight you with any color
Gives the player permission to highlight any player with any color