🎯Head hunting

A player is randomly selected from all players on the server to hide, because a reward has been announced for him. All players will receive hints about where he is after a while, and there will be particles around the victim and TNT on his head. If the player holds out for the specified time, he will receive an even greater reward.



View mode commands

/headhunt help

Adds an item to your hand as a prize when you win. You need to specify the drop chance. Be sure to change the drop type in the config for this mode.

/headhunt additem <chance>

Quick restart

/headhunt trigger


You must use a permission manager like LuckPerms which supports .* permissions notation. Bukkit doesn't support this notation by default!

For what

Gives all mode access to the player


Gives the player permission to restart this mode


Main config (config.yml)

Head hunting enable: true #If "false", this mode will not be available
Head hunting time interval: [600, 3000] #Min and Max values. In this range of time head hunting starts
Head hunting animation: true #Will there be particles around the victim?
Head hunting hat enable: true #Will a block be placed on the victim's head?
Head hunting hat material: 'TNT' #Material that will be placed on the victim's head.
Head hunting messages while searching: true #Will there be hints in the chat while searching for a victim?
Head hunting title enable: true #Will the title be displayed when you win?
Head hunting title fade in time: 10 #In ticks
Head hunting title stay time: 60 #In ticks
Head hunting title fade out time: 10 #In ticks
Head hunting time for hiding: 5 #In minutes. How long will the player be a victim?
Head hunting min server online: 10 #How much online must be on the server for the mode to work
Head hunting the hunt ends immediately when the player leaves: false #If "true", when the victim leaves the server, he will be removed from the hunt. If "false" - he will have a minute to log in
Head hunting fireworks: #Victory animations. You can set 1 and more animations. Or set [] to disable
  - 'SALUT_4'

Mode config (head_hunting.yml)

Head hunting rewards:
  Drop mode: MONEY
  Money reward: 10000.0
  Items reward: [] #Set by command
  Command reward: []
  Drop mode for survivor: MONEY
  Money reward for survivor: 1000.0
  Items reward for survivor: [] #Set by command
  Command reward for survivor: []

You can change the type of reward. Just change it in the config above. Here are what they are:

1) MONEY - Gives only money

2) ITEM - Gives only one item with some chance

3) ALLITEMS - Gives all items in list

4) COMMAND - Executes commands. Example:

Command reward:
- eco give %player% 1000
- say Cool

Last updated